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home Forums General Questions & Bugs AUdio encryption

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    • #29392

      we would like to protect our audio files from download and have them stream well on any devices from our website, we do not need encryption to only allow access for specific locations.

      In that case do we need to encrypt the files ? if yes, can we simply encrypt the files from our S3 account, without any encryption key from Amazon or do we still need to have that encryption key ? and if yes, what region would we put ?

      Sorry if those are basic questions but I could not find any answers in your documentation.

      Thank you for your support,

    • #29395

      Hi Francoise,

      The only way to secure your content is to use hls adaptive bitrate streaming with encryption any other method people will just use the browser developer tools select network tab and download your content.

      You can follow exactly the same method as the video setup except with audio select the audio button top right in the admin. Sorry haven’t had time for docs videos are easier for us to do at this time.

      HLS Adaptive Bitrate Streaming – Neflix’s & Prime

      Best Regards


    • #29399

      Thank you for your answer, I looked at your video and followed every steps, but I got problems:

      1st question: I see a video in your interface when I click on see media after encryption instead of an audio file ? could you explain ?

      2nd question: Yesterday, I got a lot of error messages that my titles are too long – the error message said 40 characters maximum. Today I do not have the same error, long titles are working for encryption.

      Could you please let me know if it is OK to continue with long titles ?

      3rd question:
      We would like to use your new audio player (soundcloud looking) with audio playlist while protecting our audios.

      My understanding was to create a folder in a bucket, then audio batch the folder, encrypts the mp3 files in the folder, then in wordpress, embed the folder using your option for the beta player, and that would generate an audio playlist with protection on the audio files.

      I am correct in my understanding ? I followed to the letter your video, and the player is not working: http://thechronicles2.wpengine.com/test-new-player/ (user: demo, pwd: chroni)

      some embeds of folders are not working either but I open another ticket for that, still waiting for an answer.

      We are really in need of your support due to the bugs and lack of documentation, we would really appreciate helps so we can use your tool.

      Please advise!

      Thank you

    • #29527

      Hi walterfordham,

      Q1: 1st question: I see a video in your interface when I click on see media after encryption instead of an audio file ? could you explain ?

      Answer: There is an audio button at the top to switch to the audio player but we understand this is not very user-friendly and any audio pieces encoded in hls in the future will go straight to the adaptive bitrate audio streaming page.

      Q2: 2nd question: Yesterday, I got a lot of error messages that my titles are too long – the error message said 40 characters maximum. Today I do not have the same error, long titles are working for encryption.

      Answer: Not sure why you have been getting this error message but the message will be straight from the AWS api no us so they may have some limitation set in AWS.

      Q3: We would like to use your new audio player (soundcloud looking) with audio playlist while protecting our audios.

      Answer: For protected audio follow the same method as outlined when encrypting hls adaptive bitrate video. After your audio has been encrypted you can then go to https://s3bubble.com/secure/#/playlists and create a new audio playlist and then select your audio pieces from the add audio button under the player.

      All our most recent documentation will be on our video learning website. http://learning.s3bubble.com/. I am going to do some new videos this week coming with the new update interface you can find the encryption videos here.


      Best Regards


      • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by s3bubble.
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