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home Forums General Questions & Bugs Batch Video Encryption

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    • #30288

      Hello and thanks for this awesome tool!

      I’ve been using this for a little while now and I have another suggestion. I have tons of videos on S3 and to save money I am not encrypting everything, for now, so I am just using the mp4 files with the embed code. But I will encrypt everything maybe next month and I realized it will be a big task.

      So my suggestion is (maybe others will also appreciate it too):

      Give the option to Encrypt All videos within a bucket and refresh the link within the embed code on the original files so it reflects on the encoded media instead.

      I have also found that when I encrypt a video and choose to use current folder, it converts the video to another folder instead.

    • #30289

      Hi verbomedia,

      Good suggestion a few people have asked for the same.

      The reason we have not implemented this is because some users do not understand costs associated with encoding on the AWS side or they haven’t even run some test to get an overview of costs or have not looked at the AWS calculator.


      I understand that we have users that fully understand this, but it’s the users that would quite happily click a button sit back and let it bulk encrypt their whole video library see the AWS costs and then proceed to start blaming us for the world.

      So, for now, we will not be implementing this.

      One thing you can look into is encoding yourself with ffmpeg and uploading to AWS you can find out more information here.

      We are looking to edit this script so it will apply the exact same setup as the AWS encoder, hopefully, get around to it next week.

      Best Regards


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