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home Forums General Questions & Bugs Moving Encoded Media to other buckets

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    • #30028

      Hi Sam,

      I know you guys are coding like mad for the next release and am adding this in case it flows as part of your next release.

      I’m trying follow S3 best practices and to better organize my media creators work in and encodes out.

      aws.bucket.input/users/sample-user(will end up with many individuals)/input (all raw media in for encoding)
      aws.bucket.output/users/sample-user/(will end up with same many as above)/output (all encodes serving from cloudfront as either individual sample-user distributions or an aws.bucket.output distribution).

      So, finally the two questions (or requests):
      1) Can I add existing encodes to those sample-users’ folders and assign a new distribution?
      It didn’t work when I tried…it wouldn’t even play in the s3 bubble panel.

      2) Can I upload raw media to aws.bucket.input/* but assign elastic encode output to any specific given folder in the aws.bucket.output/*?

      I read that if you create distributions for each output folder you have granular tracking and use/cost data at user/creator level.

      Good luck with the coding and if the above is possible that would be a brilliant two bucket workflow for huge media libraries!

      Best, Jamie

    • #30035

      Hi Jamie,

      we have actually just pushed the release would be interested in your thoughts regarding the presets you can now create new presets use AWS set presets and we have fully opened up the Transcoder to our users no more S3Bubble only presets.

      We have also tried to make the process of creating new presets as easy as possible with a copy button.

      The new presets can be accessed at the https://s3bubble.com/secure/#/pipelines under the presets button.

      We will have lots of new tutorials out this week explaining all the new updates but there is some awesome stuff in there.

      Regarding your question we now allow you to select an output folder default is set to root but you can create a folder and select at the encoding screen.

      Best Regards


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