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home Forums General Questions & Bugs rtmp… How Secure?

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    • #23821

      Hi to all,

      First of all thanks for all your effort! Great plug-in, great website, great service from great guys!

      On rtmpt streaming example page, you tell:

      Secure RTMP streaming is that little bit more complicated to set up, but its worth it in the end. RTMP prevents users being able to use open developer tools, grabbing the URL and downloading your videos and audio. We’re feeling pretty confident about this solution, so test it for yourself and let us know what you think?

      However, with IDM application (internet download manager) it takes just a few seconds to download the video on the page.
      So here comes the question how secure is rtmpt? Is there anything you or we can do to improve security?

      I haven’t tested with other more popular download plug-ins but even a single app can be quite disturbing.

      Thanks for your effort again.

    • #23833

      Hi Murat,

      Thanks for your kind words about S3Bubble let me answer you question.

      First there is no bullet proof way to completely secure your videos from download or redistribution unfortunately due to the nature of the web. Netflix spend millions of pounds on internet security and it is still as easy to record a Netflix video using screen grab software like screenium and record you screen and redistribute you could even record your screen with your mobile phone and redistribute there will never be a completely bullet proof media streaming solution there is tones on software out there and really tech savy hackers that can steal your content there are easily available scripts and we are aware of them all like this script with a supported site list.


      Ok so thats the bad news, well not really bad but its something we have to deal with daily in the ever expanding web. The good news is when we build secure media streaming websites for our clients you really need to think about the nature of your business.

      1. Always have your videos behind a secure payment gateway so you get your money before anyone can try to steal your content.
      2. Make your videos as secure as possible using a service like S3Bubble to eliminate 99% of web users.
      3. Use S3Bubble HLS option or RTMP option to make stealing your content as hard as possible.
      4. Will your audience want to steal and redistribute your content think about your users.
      5. Spend all your money on brand recognition and making your brand as popular as you can to keep your loyal users coming back.
      6. Watermarking your videos using elastic encoder is also a good option so you can see if anyone has stolen your content and is redistributing it.
      7. Give samples before users can download either sample clips on a period of length of audio

      Basically the main objective is to have content that people are quite happy to pay for and constantly use your service and become a loyal customer there is a lot of freeloaders out there that will go to extra ordinary lengths to steal content but there are also lots of people that are willing to pay as long as your service benefits them.

      These are the service we aim to delivery at s3bubble.com

      These are just a few options i will respond to this post in more depth tomorrow but wanted to give you a response today to get you up and runnning i couldn’t download https://www.internetdownloadmanager.com for the mac so i am unavailable to test to see if it can download our RTMP stream.

      I will report back

      Best Regards


      • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by s3bubble.
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