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home Forums General Questions & Bugs Self Hosted Embed & Playlists

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    • #30617

      Hi Sam,

      Very cool developments with the self hosted code!

      I was testing some of my existing videos and playlists and have some questions/feedback.

      Playlists no longer auto load and play next videos.

      Self-hosted stand alone videos have a simple generated WordPress code, but the playlists don’t.
      Do I need to put all of the code into a page or widget for the playlists to work?

      Can I begin using the new self hosted Oembed without Streamium?

      I also noted that playlists only show thumbnails in iFrame mode, and self-hosted does not show playlist thumbs. Some iFrame thumbs have tagged themselves to incorrect videos too.

      iFrame also orders videos differently from Self-Hosted…self-hosted is from bottom of list up.

      Audio playlist structures and issues remain unchanged, but I tried forcing audio into a video playlist, and it wanted to try playing, but the player simply hung.

      Drag and drop of media order still does not happen in any playlist. And no back arrow for overall playlist.

      I totally understand your focus on Streamium and single page stand alone media…we all need that for sure!
      Do you expect to be able to solve the playlist issues for both audio and video?

      drag and drop, thumbnails, back button, audio “resolution” selector as video has?

      For me the coolest solution for audio playlists is to make them behave and appear like video playlists, with the only difference being the waveform lays over the thumbnail along with Meta, and vbe able to make window 16×9 or 1×1 square.

      Thank you for all of your innovation and hope you’re getting sleep!!!

      Best, Jamie

    • #30656

      Hi Sam,

      I placed a self hosted link into an existing page to compare with the s3bubble oembed, and the video loads perfectly, but two things happen in the Self-Hosted video:

      Link to screenshot

      1) The description text does not wrap.
      By the way I really like the new formatting of META and back arrow!

      2) The self-hosted link has a strange set of lines around the video.
      This also happened with me when I tested embedding a live stream into a site page.
      The live stream was brilliant though.

      Thank you, Jamie

    • #30682

      Hi Jamie,

      Thanks for the info really helpful, is there any chance you could send us a link to a video on your setup.

      These are issues we will need to fixed with self hosted setup because it has to run smoothly with multiple css setups as it is on the same domain, whereas the iframe is self contained so it doesn’t get effected by other css on your website.

      It is normally really simple fixes just adding some important calls to the css elements that are being updated.

      Sending us a link from you environment would be really helpful, we can resolve them on yours and this will help other users as well.

      Best Regards


    • #30723

      Hi Sam,

      Thank you for the email! I responded to this post in detail and for some reason it didn’t stick, so I will try again…Probably meant to be since you just released the Self Hosted Update, which actually made some interesting changes to what was happening with the embedded streams.

      brazilianaire.net is on AWS self hosted plugin now.

      I prepared three links for you to reference, and hopefully they give you the info necessary to solve these tweaks:

      A Hundred @RAVE 2016

      This is a page with one stand alone video embedded twice; first one is the Self Hosted embed and second is an existing iFrame which, interestingly (with the new plugin) it took on the new meta, arrows, etc and the text formatting held, whereas the top Self Hosted one does not wrap the description.

      Both of them have dumped my custom branding profile (prior to the new plugin the iFrame held my branding but the Self Hosted did not).

      Also, the control bar/branding has lost format consistency with things being cropped and off level.
      If you look at the resolution selector, my 4K selection shows as 1080 (prior to the new plugin the iFrame showed the 1080 as 4K as originally encrypted).

      The Self Hosted has the strange lines around the frame, but iFrame is clean.

      Patrick O’Malley Video Demo

      This is a page with the same video playlist embedded twice; Self Hosted on top and iFrame on bottom. The iFrame does not resolve (not a problem cause I’m going for self hosted anyway).

      So on the self hosted, title and details don’t wrap, and the mini thumbs and list are tiny and crop each other out. There is a significant delay between auto plays, but hopefully that is due to these new changes and will resolve by itself. Thin lines around the Self Hosted and another odd box below it.

      The video order and main Poster are not changeable, and after each video the original poster shows, maybe making you think it’s going back to the first video again.

      The ideal is control over global Poster, plus manually sortable videos and audio in playlist dashboard, and also that the poster for the next video or media shows while the media caches to the browser.

      Patrick O’Malley ~ Piano Improv

      This is a self hosted audio playlist with the same issues as the video ones, but no thumbnails, and I don’t see the waveforms I saw in your demo video…how do I make those show?

      All in all really cool improvements Sam!!!

      Best, Jamie

    • #30724

      Hi Sam,

      Sorry, I stand corrected…the media is now sorting beautifully in the playlists!!!!

      One thing odd as I looked around at other HLS audio files, the bit rates are showing up as strange numbers, not always the set ones I use.

      Thank you again for the groovy improvements!

      Best, Jamie

    • #30735

      Hi brazilianaire,

      Our new bitrate setup works based on height for video.

      Recommended resolution & aspect ratios
      To fit the player perfectly, encode at these resolutions:

      2160p: 3840×2160
      1440p: 2560×1440
      1080p: 1920×1080
      720p: 1280×720
      480p: 854×480
      360p: 640×360
      240p: 426×240

      Obviously, there is no height involved with audio so it works on k.

      Best Regards


    • #30746

      Hi Sam,

      Yes, I use all 16×9 resolution ratios you listed except 1440p and once in a while I dump the 240p (does that risk losing the mini thumbnails in playlists?)

      However, some of my 4K encodes either show up as 1080 (without the “p”) or as 2160, but still no “p”, which the others all have probably from their preset name with a “p” at the end.

      Also, audio files are showing bit rate (as desired) but some show variations of the preset names like an audio files that says resolutions of 90k, 357k, 476k & 536k, when the actual encode settings were all two channel presets as 64k, 160k, 256k, 320k @ 44.1, all my current preset resolutions for audio encodes.

      I know the elastic transcoder auto encode setting takes my high bit rate video pre-encode-master and ends up creating a higher bit rate video encode at each resolution because of my high original bit rates, so are my high quality audio encodes also doing the same thing, and then your plugin switcher actually relates the true bit rates of the streams, or is there an error, like with the 4K video resolution switcher showing 1080 or 2160 with no “p”?

      Lastly, how do I turn on or resolve the waveform on the audio playlist or standalone audio in the new HD16x9 mode?

      Thank you!!!

    • #30753

      Hi Sam,

      I was just embedding more self hosted and noticed something; the thin lines around the self hosted on my pages are the same size as the iFrame video, so the self hosted video image itself is actually smaller than the iFrame video.

      Does that help figure out what’s going on with the thin lines?

      Thank you!

    • #30754

      I figured out the lines!

      My SiteOrigin Page Editor was adding code to the Visual Editor…I went to text edit and this appeared:

      <pre class=”s3bubble-code-formatter”><code class=”html ng-binding”>[s3bubble codes=”hxPT41347″ /]

      So when I deleted the added code and saved the clean link it was fine. [s3bubble codes=”hxPT41347″ /]

      The player bar is still out of format and not using my Saved Brand Profile in stand alone videos.

      Now, I’ll see if the playlists will clean up the same way.

      Thank you, Jamie

    • #30806

      Hi Sam,

      The playlist links cleaned up the same way as stand alone videos, so now there are no thin lines around the video.

      The remaining issues I see that are now the same on iFrame and New Self Hosted embeds:

      The player bar still loses intended formatting.

      The player does not use the Saved Brand Profiles.

      Video Playlist mini thumbs appear in pop-up list but are squished and do not expand like they used to.

      Audio Playlist mini thumbs do not appear at all and individual audio Full-Sized Posters do not appear on the embed screen even when in the HLS folder.

      Audio Files in the new individual track and playlist format shows no waveform (ideally it will be as tall and robust as the old waveforms).

      Would be great if you can have more control over the poster image (ie: contain, fill top, fill sides, or some sort of scale control) An alternate option would be to be able to define the aspect of the audio and/or video player (1×1, 16×9, 4×3, or custom).

      Have a great week!

      Best, Jamie

    • #30818

      Hi Jamie,

      Thanks for these please leave this with us we will be working through these issues shortly.

      Best Regards


    • #30831

      Hi Jamie,

      Please check your player now, you still have the old plugin activated this is fighting with the new css we have added a call to remove this css file if it’s active so both are not included at the same time ideally you want to go fully self hosted and remove the old plugin.

      Best Regards


      • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by s3bubble.
      • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by s3bubble.
    • #30854

      Hi Sam,

      Very awesome!!! It’s now a clean control bar both in the Dashboard and on the site.
      Thank you!

      So remove this plugin?: S3Bubble Amazon S3 Video And Audio Streaming With Analytics & Uploader

      And keep only the self hosted…

      The video playlist mini thumbs are less compacted so that helps alot…later it would be cool if they can expand responsively when you select full screen to give more breathing room…however,

      The audio standalone files and playlists don’t have the waveform, don’t accept or show Posters, and audio playlists don’t show mini posters…these things you already know, but just reiterating what remains.

      Thank you so much for these solutions…Simply Brilliant!!!

      Best, Jamie

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