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home Forums General Questions & Bugs Video crashing and file ".ts" too large

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    • #31256

      Although I optimized my videos for WEB (I was able to decrease from 700MB to 150MB the size of the video of 30minutes in 720×1280 resolution), to have the S3Bubble plugin updated (version 4.2) and to be using the “Switch over to Self Hosted Setup “, my clients are complaining that the videos keep locking.

      To try to understand the problem, I noticed that the .ts files (using the preset “S3Bubble720pPreset”) are very large (between 1MB and 4MB each, giving a total of 400MB with all presets at 720p).
      I believe this is causing these crashes. It is worth remembering that, here in Brazil, many do not have a high-speed internet.

      Would you like to know how I can stop these crashes?

      I thought of trying to shrink the “.ts” files, would it?
      I already use S3Bubble480pPreset and S3Bubble360pPreset. I offer option of the 3 qualities of the video, but I want to give the best for my clients, who watch in 720p without locking.

      One thing also that would help would be to increase the buffer size, how do I do?

      With this new player I realized that there is a slightly larger buffer, but if I can increase it, it would be much better.

      Well, I await your answer.

    • #31268


    • #31269

      Hi celsolopesjr,

      Can you set up an example it shouldn’t crash if it cannot handle that preset size due to the connection it should switch

      If you set up an example we will run some tests.

      Best Regards


    • #31272

      Hello sam

      From what I saw in other companies, the .ts files are around 1MB (720p presets), of course a lot more files will be generated, but it will be better for our user to be able to download smaller files.
      So, Sam, if I got a preset setup to dim the files would help me a lot.

      Below is the time it took to download each file from my browser (encoded in 720p):
      encoded-23-58-58-fri-sep-201700015.ts – 3,84 MB → 12037 ms
      encoded-23-58-58-fri-sep-201700016.ts – 3,00 MB → 10772 ms
      encoded-23-58-58-fri-sep-201700017.ts – 3,05 MB → 16729 ms
      encoded-23-58-58-fri-sep-201700018.ts – 3,67 MB → 11482 ms
      encoded-23-58-58-fri-sep-201700019.ts – 3,33 MB → 16471 ms

      One question: Is there any limitation, due to amazon or S3bubble for the transfer rate, or is this time spent because of the speed of my internet?

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