S3Bubble OTT Streaming


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  • in reply to: Bucket Backup #30149

    I attached the above policy to a test bucket and used only the deny statement and it works fine:
    “Version”: “2008-10-17”,
    “Id”: “S3BubbleCloudfrontSecurity”,
    “Statement”: [
    “Sid”: “S3BubbleDenyDelete”,
    “Effect”: “Deny”,
    “Principal”: “*”,
    “Action”: [
    “Resource”: “arn:aws:s3:::<bucket-name>/*”

    But this is a little bit inconvenient for me as the HLS encoding and encryption has to be done in the same bucket, which leaves the original video file in the bucket. I would like to delete the original files as they are huge and I have to pay for storage. Also what if the bucket itself gets deleted by mistake or if somebody gains access to the account with malicious intends? I know these are very rare probabilities, but back to the general question, is there a way to backup the whole bucket somehow and having a script checking for new files and backing them up on regular basis?

    in reply to: Bucket Backup #30126

    When I try to add the policy I get the following error:

    Missing required field Principal

    Not sure what to put as principle. Looked at the AWS docs and there are a lot of options, could be “*”, not sure what is the best to put. Please advise.

    Also once I put “s3:DeleteBucketPolicy”
    Will I be able to change the policy in the future if i need to delete an object in the bucket?

    in reply to: Media Encoding #30078

    Got it. I added the old/default presets back, but first I had to delete the ones I created and the s3bubble thumbnail preset otherwise did not want to add all of the default ones. It looked like there was not enough space available for more presets. At first showed only the default presets, but now it it shows the default presets on top and than the system defined HLS presets underneath. With the default presets back I was able to convert an HD video, including the thumbnail previews for the timeline.

    Thanks for the quick respond as I convert videos on daily basis. I also have to commend you on the new improvements. s3buble is getting way more sophisticated.

    in reply to: Media Encoding #30061

    I do not see the old ones. I manually added 1080P and 360P. I converted a video to HLS 2M 1M 600K + 360p. The thumbnails do not show up. After your respond I looked again and this is what I see:

    Select Playlist Presets:

    ts S3Bubble Thubnails preset
    Preset settings
    ts S3Bubble1080P
    Preset settings
    ts S3Bubble360P
    Preset settings
    ts System preset: HLS 2M
    Preset settings
    ts System preset: HLS 1.5M
    Preset settings
    ts System preset: HLS 1M
    Preset settings
    ts System preset: HLS 600k
    Preset settings
    ts System preset: HLS 400k
    Preset settings

    in reply to: Media Encoding #30057

    I guess I have to answer my own questions by watching the newly released video 🙂

    From watching the video I have 2 new questions:
    I need to replicate some of the old media encoding options, like 1080P for example. Will the player resize to 1080P automatically? Which preset do I need in order for the player to display the preview thumbnails on mouse over the timeline?

    in reply to: Media Encoding #30056

    I am still waiting for respond. What am I supposed to do regarding the encrypted 1080P or ultra 4K encoding options. I need these options. They disappeared since yesterday. Do I have to to revert to MP4 with RTMP distribution in order to have protected HD video in wordpress? How can I have the preview thumbnails/frames showing again on mouse over the player timeline? I need information regarding these issues in order to make decision.

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